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I guess I live in the wrong state !

Posted: Sat Nov 16, 2024 7:37 am
by 54bullseye
Hi John Taylor here just gonna do a little venting here. First off I live in central Massachusetts and have all my life. Small town that has now grown into a bedroom town for Worcester, Boston and all suburbs . Many new houses have replaced nice farm and woodlands and good deer hunting land. Luckily my house is protected by some wet lands and some old family farms that I hope will
Remain !!

I have collected guns of all sorts since I was a teenager and have held a valid C+R license for 30 years plus. I also hold a valid LTC license. I have collected many different guns through the years from Remington models 720, 721,722, 725 and 700s also the older models 14, 141s and most recently the 8s and 81s. The later 4 are now my passion. I recently was looking at a Gun Broker listing and under the shipping explanation I found this below !!!

Re: I guess I live in the wrong state !

Posted: Sat Nov 16, 2024 8:03 am
by 54bullseye
John Taylor with more. I recently bought a nice high grade Remington mod 121 from an auction in Maine and sent them payment along with my C+R that was before I saw previous law that our precious governor slipped into action. I called the auction house and they recommended that I get in touch with my FFL dealer. I called him and shipping the 121 to him was still okay . I then asked about a model 8 that I was considering bidding on and he said NO WAY !!!! He said he is not allowed to accept any semi auto rifles, pistols or shotguns into the state any more !!!!!

From what I have heard people are fighting it but as of now my C+R is useless as well is my new passion of collecting 8s and 81s !!! How's them beans ???????

I am 67 years old with a business and nice home so kinda late to move to another state !! This really stinks !!!

Any replies will be read and processed in my head for what that's worth but this really sucks !!
My health ain't great and my biggest enjoyment is in collecting vintage firearms .
Wrong state but to late LOL !!!!!!! I believe gun laws should be federal not state to state but that is only my opinion. Hope this new administration can make a difference.

Thanks for listening !! John Taylor

Re: I guess I live in the wrong state !

Posted: Sun Nov 17, 2024 4:28 am
by Roger
Hey John,
I’m sorry to hear about your dilemma in Massachusetts. Here in Iowa we’ve known that several states are becoming anti gun strong holds. Yours is one of them that we’ve heard about. But you may have to spend some time traveling out of state to gunshows to find your treasures. Private sales are still legal in some states. I don’t buy many pieces anymore. But if I do,it isn’t on internet sights that require me to buy stuff I can’t look at in person. I’ve been burnt too many times.This is why I travel to shows like Tulsa ,etc. Antique pieces like we have are a danger to know one.But maybe the changing of the guard will produce a more friendly atmosphere.
I feel your pain, But someday you will be like Jack and I,and have sell more than you buy. Enjoy what you have my friend,it all goes away sooner than you want it to. I’m sorry if I’m being a downer here.
Your friend

Re: I guess I live in the wrong state !

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2024 1:01 am
by Hibby83
John, It's beyond shameful that officials in office are able to pass unconstitutional bills/laws of that sort.

I sure hope that it gets repealed/thrown out. Wish you the best in continuing your love of collecting!
